
Spin-x Swimsuit Dryer

SPIN-X is the perfect swimsuit dryer for lighter applications.

Other than your regular laundry needs, the Spin-X dryer makes a great bathing suit spinner.  The Spin-X was made for home use and we recommend it for lighter applications such as home pools and lightly used commercial or public pools.  For high volume pools, we recommend the Suitmate Water Extractor.  The Suitmate has a smaller basket and load capacity and therefore can only be used for one suit at a time.  The Suitmate dries bathing suits in 10 seconds. The Spin-X has a higher capacity and can be loaded with numerous bathing suits, which take 1 – 2 minutes to dry.

The Spin-X starts up slowly, without the high-torque that the Suitmate has, allowing the contents to smoothly settle for the higher speed build-up, decreasing the possibility of damage to the fabrics. Fine washable silks can be placed in the unit without any damage.  The SPIN-X Swimsuit Dryer, has a gradual start and within 35 seconds reaches its top speed of 3,300 RPM.

Some of our customers are using the Spin-x to dry wet suits.  Others are using the Spin-X as a centrifuge in more industrial applications.

The Spin-X is made in Germany.  Beware of imitators and Cheap alternatives.

Here’s a video from one of our users: